Thursday, July 31, 2008

chapter 1: realization

wow.... its been 3 long months since i last updated my blog eh..
newae sad case that i've left the job that i loved... long stories... so i shan't talk bout it..
life life life....
complicated should i put it..?
many things happened within these 3 months though..
it was my greatest fear to let go of somethin that once were so very important n precious to me...
people said its no point hangin on to somethin that doesnt belong to u..
i was reluctant about that at 1st.. or maybe all along i am being that way..
n one day, i took up all my courage to make it all cleared...
i found my ans..
n finally, one thing that i've treasured soO hard, i let it go...
i dun say i've made the rite or even the wrong decisions..
maybe it was no longer belong to me..
i hav to let go..
i muz let go..
n even things ended, i became the bad one.. thats to initiate it..
i dun blame anyone though...
newae im used to being the bad one alr.. so wats the dfference rite...? haha..
this is a new beginnin, a new chapter of my life..
n i will not repeat my wrongdoings, i will create a better life...
even if thru out my life til now, its been a rocky road..
i'll keep tryin... i will become a better person..
n for all those who've been thru life wif me...
special thanx.. cos without u, my life knows nothing..
thanx a million..