Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hows life?


After joinin U****s.. Life has been great for me..

Although its a new experience for me..

n i hav more responsibilities in my work that i need to fulfil..

overall its damn fun workin there now..

At 1st when i joined this company, its juz one simply unknown shop..

n slowly it got bigger n rite now, we hav altogether 3 outlets runnin in operations..

n so, one big family got seperated.... to jaga 3 different outlets...

everything is pickin up now n still goin on strong..

hopefully in future, U****s will be as popular...



now im being surrounded by U****s..

i wouldn't say that their my colleagues...

instead, they're like my frenzzz alr...

alot of new staff though, but those who's wif me frm the start, stays..

ppl like fy n v.. both of u are reali so true as a fren n i meant it... not colleagues anymore..

n my gurls at WM... they're all my darlings... (although sometimes during work i mite be a lil more serious, but cos tis is work k???) hahahaha...

n to boy.. suddenly boy came into my life.. as a colleague at 1st... but now gurl's found a fren in boy.. gurl wasnt sure at 1st but frm the 1st day til now.. gurl's seen boy as being boy himself.. quite a true personality, n gurl has decided to keep boy.. kekeke... as a TRUE fren.. thanx a million..

no one can see a person's true colours until they spend some times wif the person.. i dun understand too... y that person wanna be acting this way?? i can understand that maybe its cos of the upbringing.. but it has to reach to a certain limits rite? if go beyond den its too much alr... in the end who'll be the one suffering???? haix.. i m juz tired of all these nonsense......... *roll eyes*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

nv stepped on my precious tail.....hahaha

Great Experience Though....
I dun wanna be bothered by things that doesn't link to me at all..
i can be nice.. real nice...
but once again.. n this was the very 1st time to hav met a 高手..
Great in everything:
acting innocent
acting so 伟大
when wat happened wasn't even my prob at all n i was being dragged into it.
playing reverse pyschology wif me..? come on, think ur up to it? think twice.. or even thrice..
tot that i would 笨笨fall into trap..?
pls loh.. im not that stupid loh..
i hav brains too..
n i still believe that if im not the one at fault, u'll be the one to suffer..
i dun mind havin lesser frenz when there're no true frenz ard..
i trust whoever deserved it.. so if u abused it... i'll say, tooo baaad... bye bye...
so when things had alr happened, dun bother to tell me wat to do or say too much to cover ur arssssss..
i hav no relations wif u anyway..
stand back... relax... n get the *toOot* outta my life..
im coOl..
i still hav alot more other ppl supporting me..
thanx u all.. reali appreciate all the care u all showed..
especially those who's alwaez by my side...
n of cos my Darling.. luv u much...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

sometimes.. i reali dun understand,
some frenz i treasured truly,
tot they would do the same but im wrong..
kinda disappointed though..
now i dun even hav the courage to trust..
sad thing..
true frenz?
no_where or now_here?
the older u grow,
i do not wanna believe that,
the lesser fren u'll hav left.
i think so..
i may care for some frenz that i will treasure but if u abuse that..
i apologise,
get the hell outta my world!!!
im being nice yet nobody appreciates..
fine, im done!
to those i've once cared as a fren, if u didn hear anything frm me, means im referring to u.. dun doubt, yes its U! n U! n U! n U!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

life is reali so unpredictable n fragile..
yet, still there r ppl who doesnt even know how to treasure n appreciate loved ones..
humans tend to take things for granted, i dun deny im not one of them, cos sometimes when u hav somethings or someone treated u too good, u expect n ask for more without bein contented n satisfied..
wat everyone can say is, "aiya.. life is like that one lah, its either u lose or u gain.. nothin is fair in tis world.. so why should we do good deeds when ppl dun appreciate at all?" rite?
hmmm.. frm wat i've learnt thruout my 24yrs?
im not too sure oso.. wat i know is all the magic words are reali important n useful..
*Please*,*Thank you*,*May i*,*Excuse me*,*ur welcome* n thats all i can rem..
after workin as a service crew, customer service can be damn important..
u know lah, 'customer is alwaez rite'.. so wat can we do when we encounter nasty ones? even if everyone knows that ur rite n they're wrong, apologise n thats it.. hold the grudges n swear frm the top to bottom onli in ur heart.. haha.. but experience reali counts, i've learnt at least not to provoke customers.. cos when ur doin a good service, customers comes again, they compliment u, ur happy, customers oso happy.. boss even more happier, they earn $$$.. so.. happy happy go lucky.. thats how things work for me.. actuali its a plus oso for the workin environment at Udders, bosses are understanding, manager is considerate, all other staffs were great colleagues to work wif.. wat else can i ask for huh?
well well well.. life is good when u think it is.. but miserable when u think its not..
although i do not hav a bunch of great frenz wif me.. but i do hav tis small no. of besties beside me.. n my baby.. n my precious of cos!! its enuff for me liao..
wanna thanx them again today for being by my side no matter im happy or sad.. ur still here for me.. u know who u are, that i dun hav to mention here..
i luv u all..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hmmm.. where to start leh? *think*
okay.. i've tis relative who's my mum's cousin's mother.. so she's my 表姨的妈。although we're not that very very close but very very close to 表姨. she's quite close to my cousins oso de, cos she's those can go crazy wif 'kids' like me.. ok newae.. her mum, thats my 表姨的妈 is bein hospitalized for dunno how long alr.. at 1st was cos she fell down den went hospital for few days den discharged.. tot she's ok le.. but... she juz went home for a nite, next day kena fever den sent to hospital again, was so sad seein everyone so sad.. juz as we tot she's alrite, high fever came upon her at nite, its alr 10+pm when we reached there, she cant even recognize anyone that nite.. her eyes was floating n difficulty in breathin, so can see she's struggling to catch even a bit of oxygen. it was a tense nite, everyone rushed to the hospital, hoping that she could make it thru, 表姨 was tearing alr, 小姨 n all other relatives oso. i tried to control my tears, nv wanting them to see me tear, told myself i hav to be strong at tat time. n i wasnt feellin well too, but i didn let anyone in my family noe, dun wan to add more probs for them, ppl says, if ur unwell, better not go to hospital, cos got lots of germs n bacteria there, it'll be easier for them(germs n bac) to attack u. haix.. who cares bout that now..? that person lying on the ward is more impt now.. newae, its alr after visitin hrs, we hav to leave. the next day which was yest, i requested to David bout my shift, n he agreed to help me cover my shift til 8pm so that i could visit 表姨的妈. its reali very nice for Udders bosses to be so considerate.. so while fetchin my other relative to the hospital, she talked bout the matters in 表姨house n all, reali sad lah. den my eyes were filled wif tears, still swallowed everythin back. n to all of our surprise when we reached the ward, she looked fine, can even recognize me! reali happy to see her tis way.. she actuali made my day yest, was so relieved, we all stayed there as long as possible to be by her side, but.... ard 5+ when the nurse gave her a jab of antibiotics, she kena fever again.. but juz a slight one.. phew.. n ard 7+ i need to rushed for work le so i looked at her n wave at her.. she waved back to me eh.. haha..
back to work.. surprisingly onli got 3 staffs includin me.. d**n.. so as usual when it hits the peak period, customers keep comin in.. orders n orders of waffles here n there.. serve, make waffles,clear tables, washin.. wa.. cannot lah.. short of manpower.. n so, we're onli able to finish everythin n locked shutter ard 2345hrs, able to board the last train.. but limin missed her last bus instead.. poor thing.. but both limin n huimin reached home safely.. end of another day..

Friday, April 3, 2009

My Precious

Tis is my lil Precious when i bought her back on 25th Jan 09 which she juz turned 3months old.

Her D.O.B is 23rd Oct 08.

Isn't she the cutest of all?

Here r fotos of her growin up day by day..

Alrite.. Thats bout it, more to be uploaded..