Tuesday, April 1, 2008

something new

hmmm.. thot of creating a blog here ba.. try something new.. gonna head to work soon le.. so juz drop some message here..
its been 5days alr.. n i've decided to let everythin go once n for all..
majority of guys r unreliable...
how to trust a guy that much? haha... so silly ya...
i muz learn to be more cautious le..
cos when i thot i saw the right one, thot he's so pure, so innocent.. but all was juz blinded..
i regretted..
but at least i've learnt n realised,
that i shouldn't trust one so easily or maybe not to luv so hard..
i know there's still someone who's alwaez by my side,
alwaez being there for me no matter wat.. i know they're different..
but if thats true, they hav to prove that they're worth being trusted...
n im onli here to see for real..
someone to dote me n luv me wholeheartedly....
n if YOU're reali sure that im the one, no matter how long time takes, u'll sure wait de..
who will that be?

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