Wednesday, April 2, 2008

alrite...... i was told that my blog was alwaez bout r/s... but other than r/s... i hav nothin much to say alr eh.. no life rite? but ur wrong... when ur in a r/s, life's much more beautiful than u think..

u hav that special someone to spend his/her time wif u, share every happy, sad moments wif u..

no matter wat, he/she will be by ur side...

isnt it great to be in luv?

isnt it great to know that the special someone luvs u too?

but when things turn sour, u can nv know how that special someone became a total stranger to u..

newae now its back to my life, alone...

i assume no one will believe de.. but its true..

sleepin alone, scares me....

walkin alone, stumble over me...

sobbin, breaks me down...

thinkin back, holds me down...

holdin onto, weakens me...

leavin, forced me...


time, heals me..

time, strengthen me..

time, reveal the goods n the bads...

n now..

all thanx to him leavin me..

that i realised...

im saved..

for that, i muz live much more happier than ever..

time will tell...

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