Wednesday, April 9, 2008

~~13th day of singlehood~~
work again... 11pm den knock off... tml hav to work mornin still... so gotta slp soon after bloggin... somethin interestin happened today in shop... at 1st when i reached shop, its quite peaceful de... means very quiet lo n there are 3ppl together...
den i juz go do my own things, read papers, go buy my mineral water.. den back to shop.. den C went out, C bought cheese cake for me.. quite nice de.. maybe is for my belated bday de ba.. keke..
den yest ate jewel's bday cake le.. today dunno y jewel brought another slice of cake for me again.. wow... ate so many cakes these 2 days... fattenin ahhhh....!!
alrite back to today's interestin show... ok ok... i dunno how n why it all started... i was sittin at my very own spot, listenin to radio which is juz in front of me, den all of sudden i heard C talkin quite loudly, very dulan de voice.. den K at 1st listen n kept quiet.. den C kept shootin K those very awful words, K cannot take it den talked back, haha... den K kena phucked big time, C shouted even louder, den i was like... eh.... lookin at them... n continued doin my own things.. haha.. bastard rite... bo chap... K oso lan lan kept quiet.. den even worse, talk talk nvm, now throw fries somemore... haha... i see liao, wanna luff oso force myself to shut up.. funny sia.. but reali very tense ah the atmosphere.. i dunno wat to do, stop C or join in to shoot K? mind my own business better... den throw fries not enuff, even plastic no. tag fly.. haha.. den broke lo.. den next moment, K took the broom to sweep away the trash.. haha.. very funny lo the scene... den i reail cannot tahan, called Y to chit chat lo.. den talk talk abit, she gotta do her things den hung up.. now i dunno wat to do still... walked back to my spot n sat down, did the same things again lo... hahahahaha... normally, if this kinda things happened, even if its normal human being oso will try to stop the arguement or wat lo... me leh? watch show onli.. see how a man kena phuck big time by a gurl 7yrs younger than him.. haix.. very sad thing ba... i reali pity K ah, but my mind oso think he deserved that leh.. jialat.... pathetic lo...
aiya, if u wan others to respect u...
1stly, u hav to respect others loh...
if not, this kinda problem sure will happen to u..

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