Sunday, April 6, 2008

~~~~update update~~~~
i dunno whether izit i dunno how to luv or luv too deeply..
that caused things to alwaez go the wrong way..
sometimes when i think back.. it reali hurts deep down..
im not the one he wans to treasure, whereas she's the one..
n i noe we can no longer be together again le..
everythin has ended..
n i noe somehow somewhere... someone is alwaez stayin by my side
n i dunno wat i can do to make u stay longer, yet i noe i cant anyhow make promises..
that im afraid i mite or mite not hurt u in future.
bf after bf... n ur still here...
im reali glad that someone is doin this for me..
tis is reali called `bu li bu qi`
i reali appreciate all these..
juz stay until the rite time alrite...
time will tell the truth...

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