Saturday, April 12, 2008

~~16th day of singlehood~~

hmmm... i hav to admit im reali very very 'fan' these few days...
whenever i get the chance to be alone, everythin juz rushed into my mind.. wat can i do?
the emptiness in this lil part of my heart... more time for me i guess... i may seem strong.. thats me.. the happiest person others saw, was the saddest of them all.. cos they'll onli keep those unhappy n sad things in themselves n will onli bring happiness to others... so ppl will see them as a very cheerful person.. yet nobody will understand..


y izit that i think i dun deserve such a nice guy like him? n so afraid i mite hurt him?


y izit that after so many years, we're still here chattin happily, n havin this unexplainable chemistry between us? n guess wat? he's attached.. but i swear, i hav nv had the intention to break them apart..


y izit that he's the one dearest that i luv most, n at the same time hurts me the deepest?


they are all different person!

i can see stars, spinning ard me...

[_bless me_]


it all juz came at one time.. n on the 17th, i'll be jobless...

but overall i lost somethin, n i gained precious times wif my parents.. n frenz..

im happy enuff bout that le..

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