Tuesday, April 8, 2008

~~12th day of singlehood~~

juz reach home after a day's work.. tiring sia..

newae its jewel's birthday today!!!

she's the neighbour's daughter of my shop there..

pretty little 3yr old gurl..

very smart though! when she grow up, woooo..

sure power de.. very ai mei now already...

needless to say when she's much older..

cute rite????


newae, nothin much happen at work today, onli tok cok wif my fellow colleague lo.. since my 12th day le, i can move on alr... finally... n i've got everyone by my side le... special ones of cos there is... keke...


yest stayed over at my cousin's house.. ard 5plus like tht met her at chong pang den my daddy fetch us to mrt station de ntuc den went to buy stuff for makin salad at her house.. den watched dvd together, chit chat... den surf net together... acc each other... keke.. talked bout guys!!!! all the hurts n all types of guys... the goods n the bads... haix...

its not that i wanna condemn most guys but frm all the bad experiences i've had, it leaves me no choice but to protect myself against them.. dun luv if ur not reali in luv wif us!! or if ur still thinkin of ur exes... its very very unfair to us who put all our efforts in u yet in the end, we're not the one u truly luv... plsssss, dun be so selfish.. gurls are not toys to be played ard.. we need respects too... we are humans too..


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